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Organizations you can support

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  • Cuidando Vidas

    Cuidando Vidas

    Caring for LivesCaring for Lives was founded in 1995 with the mission of "caring for and supporting women facing unexpected pregnancies and vulnerable situations, helping them find the strength to overcome the challenges they face and discover the value of life."To fulfill this mission, we provide each woman who reaches out with...

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  • Fundación Akamasoa Argentina

    Fundación Akamasoa Argentina

    We are a Solidarity Movement that works tirelessly to replicate the work of Father Pedro Opeka, the one that rescued 500,000 people from poverty. Since we arrived in Argentina, we have managed to build a Montessori garden, a nursery, a health room, a school for adults, spaces for various trades (blacksmithing, carpentry, glass m...

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  • Fundación Bunge y Born

    Fundación Bunge y Born

    The Fundación Bunge y Born focuses on the development of new, scalable and evidence-based solutions to contribute to the well-being of individuals and the society at large.

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  • Fundación Camino a Jericó

    Fundación Camino a Jericó

    Camino a Jerico's mission is to assist, accompany and encourage adult men and women who are either homeless or in a state of neglect to recover and rebuild their lives with dignity through care in transitional homes, involvement in craft workshops, and accommodation in low cost housing units

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  • Fundación Casa Rafael

    Fundación Casa Rafael

    Betting on the transforming power of art, Casa Rafael promotes a process of resilience in some 230 children aged 4 to18 years who are exposed to psychosocial risks in a conflictive area of La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

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  • Fundación CasaSan

    Fundación CasaSan

    CasaSan provides 30 ART workshops to 500 children in a situation of maximum vulnerability. And through art, TRANSFORM their reality.

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  • Fundación Empate

    Fundación Empate

    Fundación Empate supports and accompanies the development of people with Down Syndrome through free activities such as futbol, tennis, music, art and trade workshops with job opportunities. Providing tools for social inclusion in all areas.

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  • Fundación Espartanos

    Fundación Espartanos

    We are a non-profit organization that seeks decrease recidivism rate by promoting the integration, socialization and accompaniment of people deprived of their liberty through rugby, education, work and spirituality.

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  • Fundacion Esteban Bullrich

    Fundacion Esteban Bullrich

    Our MissionTo improve the quality of life of those facing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) through support, care, research, and education

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  • Fundación IWO

    Fundación IWO

    IWO Foundation preserves the largest documentary collection on the history of immigration and the languages of the Jewish people constructing spaces for creativity, the study, intergenerational communication and the encounter between cultures.

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