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Fundación Casa Rafael
Fundación Casa Rafael

Fundación Casa Rafael

Betting on the transforming power of art, Casa Rafael promotes a process of resilience in some 230 children aged 4 to18 years who are exposed to psychosocial risks in a conflictive area of La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Betting on the transforming power of art, Casa Rafael promotes a process of resilience in some 230 children aged 4 to18 years who are exposed to psychosocial risks in a conflictive area of La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Casa Rafael fosters their creativity through their initiation in various artistic disciplines according to the pedagogy of Education Through Art, combined with constant psychological and social support inspired on the Pedagogy of Presence. With its program Widening the horizon, it also offers access to a wide range of cultural and artistic events. The aim is that the children become aware of their dignity and develop their potential in such a way so as to reach full and healthy integration. All have free of charge access to all day activities and receive a solid afternoon snack. The professionals in charge have the relevant level of education and experience and are remunerated so as to secure their daily presence. Casa Rafael needs help to cover costs of material and professional support.

(1) (2) (3) http://www.casarafael.org.ar/pilares-piliers/
(4) http://www.casarafael.org.ar/ampliar-horizonte-elargir-horizon/

Activities with the children: Garibaldi 2042, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Phone: + 54 911 5335-1777

Headquarters: Carlos Calvo 378 (n° 3), Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Phone: + 54 11 43621173

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  • Después de dos años de distanciamiento, por fin podemos volver a ¡Festejar juntos el Día de la Niñez!

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  • Music


    Study of music in collective workshops and in private classes. Rehearsal and public concerts for the group “Alas Para Volar”. Loan of musical instruments for work at home between classes. Use of the following: pianos, guitars, cellos, double bass, strings and accessories for instruments, pentagrams, pens and pencils, reference books. Six teachers.

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  • Visual Arts

    Visual Arts

    Initiation in collective workshops in a wide variety of visual arts techniques with a view to stimulating and developing creative skill and confidence. Use of the following: paper in different formats and qualities, paintings, china ink, brushes, pens, mosaics, markers, pencil sharpeners, erasers, scissors, recycled material and reference books. Three teachers.

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  • Audiovisual arts

    Audiovisual arts

    Initiation in collective workshops to aspects and various languages of audiovisual arts: use of photos and videos cameras and of sound recording material, preparation of scripts, acting, filming, editing. Use of the following: cameras, memory cards, sound recording material, external hard disk, camera support, laptop, editing material, printer, ink, paper, paper notebooks, pens. Two teachers.

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  • Historias Extraordinarias (literature)

    Historias Extraordinarias (literature)

    Stimulation and development in workshop of skills to write short stories, poems or songs, inspired in real facts or product of the imagination. Use of the following: paper notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, scissors, books of reference, dictionaries and didactical material. Two teachers.

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  • Abrapalabra


    Initiation or consolidation in workshop of reading and writing ability and of basic knowledge in mathematics. Use of the following: didactical material and educational games, pens, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, scissors. Two teachers.

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  • Hip-Hop


    Initiation in workshop in the techniques of breaking and floor acrobatics and creation of choreography. Use of the following: stereo and pendrive. Two teachers.

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  • Urban art & graffiti

    Urban art & graffiti

    Use of the following: aerosol sprays, markers, paintings, paper in different formats and qualities, discard and recycled material. One teacher.

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  • Rap


    Initiation in workshop to the techniques of rap. Use of the following: stereo, pendrive, paper, paper notebooks, pencils and pens. One teacher.

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  • Movimiento Encantado

    Movimiento Encantado

    A space for expressing emotions and learn through playing, coordinated by a clinical psychologist. Use of the following: hula hoops, balls, jump ropes, etc. One clinical psychologist.

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