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FundaciĆ³n Ciencias Exactas y Naturales
FundaciĆ³n Ciencias Exactas y Naturales

Program Details

Sadosky Scholarships

The Sadosky Scholarships are a program of scholarships for undergraduate students of all courses given by the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (FCEN-UBA): Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography, Food Sciences and Engineering, and Paleontology. These scholarships provide financial aid as well as tutoring for students from low income families. The aim is to promote equal access to university, since despite UBA is tuition-free, often that is not enough for a student to actually remain and reach graduation.

This program was created by the Governing Board of the School in 2004, and it is currently managed by the Secretary of Outreach, Scientific Culture, and Welfare (Secretaría de Extensión, Cultura Científica y Bienestar) of the School. The program has proven to be very successful: the numbers show that continued attendance and graduation rates among the Sadosky scholars are equal or better than the average indicators at the FCEN. 

The program works in a sustained way thanks to the base funds that every year are allocated by the School itself within its annual budget. However, in every annual call there are more students who needed it and deserve it, and that cannot be covered with these base funds. That is why since 2009, our Foundation contributes financially to the Sadosky Scholarships, currently supporting 6 scholarships per year. These additional scholarships are made possible by donations from graduates and the community at large.

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