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Program Details

Cancer Vaccine Fund

The cancer vaccine Fund’s objective is to finance the final phase of its application to patients with melanoma, as well as the advance of the study of breast, colon and prostate cancer. 

We ask for a monthly donation, of any amount, with that aim. In Argentina, more than 50,000 donors have contributed in these years to the development of the vaccine. We’re incorporating new donors daily, but we haven’t yet reached the total budget of the investigation, that will conclude in next the 4 years

The Inter-American Development Bank (I.A.D.B.) granted us a subsidy of up to US$ 1.000.000 for next the three years. The latter demands a counterpart contribution, which the SALES Foundation will pay with the donations that receives from thousands of citizens: thus, more donations will produce more money from the I.A.D.B., in such a way that by each donated dollar the I.A.D.B. grants us three.

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