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Fundación Potenciar Solidario
Fundación Potenciar Solidario

Program Details

Fundación Más Humanidad

Fundación Más Humanidad has been working for over 10 years to eradicate extreme poverty in Argentina, starting with those communities where child malnutrition is present and working with each child and their his/her family using a comprehensive and holistic approach, going beyond nutrition and helping members of the family gain skills and knowledge so that they can acquire a proper job and improve their quality of life.


Our mission is to eradicate extreme poverty in Argentina, starting with those communities where child malnutrition is present and working with each child and their his/her family using a comprehensive and holistic approach, going beyond nutrition and helping members of the family gain skills and knowledge so that they can acquire a proper job and improve their quality of life.


Transform Argentina into a more human place, where families immersed in poverty can live with decency and extreme child malnutrition is eradicated. Also, where young people manage to complete quality education and where adults can acquire a proper job.

Our work:

Our work is based on four pillars: Early Childhood, Education, Work and Housing

1. Early Childhood

The first step is for families to apply and sign up for the CONIN program.These families have a child under 5 years old that suffers from malnutrition, or is at risk due to social vulnerability. We work with the child and usually his/her mother in an interdisciplinary way with a team of pediatricians, social workers, nutritionists, psychologists, educational psycologists and physio and occupational therapists. We work with each case in an integral way, seeking the child´s full recovery, the strengthening of the mother-child bond and the acquisition of healthy eating and living habits by the mother who is the main promoter of health in the family.

We organize workshops given by pediatricians, nutritionists, educational psycologists, social workers which offer a variety of topics that range from healthy eating, breast feeding, to sex education.

All families who attend the centers’ clinics at least once a week, receive a pack of milk and food, to encourage people to stick to the program. Once the child is fully recovered, he/she leaves CONIN program, but MasHumanidad continues working with the family through the other pillars.

2. Education

Our goal is to help all adults and children develop their skills and talents through access to education. To this end, Más Humanidad offers the following educational programs:

● Montessori Kindergarten for children 3-5 years of age.

● Extra curricular activities and tutors for children struggling at school,

● Education for adults: giving the mothers of each child in Más Humanidad the opportunity to complete their schooling. So that each mother can attend classes, we organize care for their children at each of our centers, organized by our volunteers.

3. Job training

At Más Humanidad, we believe that working dignifies us as humans. It is an area of life where each person can exploit the talents and skills they have while also learning certain values and principles which are very important for life in society. This is why in Mas Humanidad, we offer workshops to all of the mothers we work with.

The aim is to help them learn skills which will help them acquire a better job or develop a business or project of their own.

4. Housing

Adequate housing is of fundamental importance in life and family development. Most of the families who attend our centers live in an overcrowded situation, added to the lack of basic services like drinking water, sewers and a formal power line.

In Mas Humanidad, we want all families to be able to access decent housing making essential housing improvements such as bathrooms and running water to revert malnutrition and reduce fatal house accidents. Working in a network with other NGOs or companies carrying out the construction of bathrooms, the placement of water purifiers, the achievement of safe electrical installations or the construction of spaces using prefabricated modules.

Families can access loans to accomplish these improvements. They pay the credit through the profits of their own ventures.

Over time 4 centres were opened in Buenos Aires, where everyday we take care of 210 children and 152 families. The treatment against malnutrition we offer has the actual cost of U$S 75 per month.

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