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Fundación Fundacava
Fundación Fundacava

Program Details

Scholarship Program – Santo Domingo Savio School

Our school has more than 1250 students from day care center, Kindergarten to Secondary School. At the moment we receive scholarships for around 400 students. Our aim is that every student at school receives a scholarship so as to cover our monthly costs and be able to incorporate new projects.

Full scholarship: US$50

Half scholarship: US$25

Some of the ongoing projects that we would like to continue and strengthen are:

Extended day

Primary school students (750 boys and girls) attend double shifts; while high school students attend only one shift and have Physical Education classes twice a week on shifts. Initial and Maternal level attend in the morning or in the afternoon.

Digital Education Proyect

As a result of the pandemic, in 2020 the Digital Education Project was implemented: teachers and students of the three levels were trained, emphasizing the Secondary level) so that learning is carried out from a digital education approach. Work began with the Google Classroom and 15 classrooms were equipped with different devices such as televisions, projectors and computers. In addition, the two computer labs were renovated.

Reading Comprehension Project

More than 50 percent of students who finish high school in Argentina do not understand what they read. This reading comprehension project will be carried out between the years 2022-2224 for secondary and primary students. Teachers receive training and periodic measurements are made to assess student results.

We work in network

We articulate with other organizations that work within the school with our students. Some of them are: Cimientos, Reciduca, Animando Vidas, Proyecto Mateo, Proyecto Sumando, Abuelas Cuentacuentos, among others.


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