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Program Details


Our Association ACER - Accompanying with Education and Responsibility - aims to combat child malnutrition and its consequences, assisting children and their mothers by means of a comprehensive approach in nutrition, pediatrics, social work, speech therapy, psycho-pedagogy, early stimulation and Montessori pedagogy. While children attend the stimulation rooms, their mothers receive training in different areas, providing them with knowledge and skills for future employment. This way we seek to improve their quality of life and access to better opportunities.


We have called this project UN COSTADO PARA CRECER (A SIDE TO GROW), and it has an impact in our headquarters in Beccar, San Isidro district (SI) originally and later in our headquarters in Florida Oeste, Vicente López (VL), province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. With three phases:

            Phase 1 - The little house next door...increase in sales profit (SI).

            Phase 2 - Children on waiting lists... (SI)

            Phase 3 - Growing with ACER CONIN! (SI & VL)


The achievement objectives of Phase 1 (higher sales income), will allow us to reach Phase 2 (care for children on the waiting list) and then aspire to achieve the last Phase, which is to grow in professional hours and reach a greater number of children and mothers.


We dream with the opportunity that opens up to us to grow with the little house next door, a building adjacent to our San Isidro Center, whose owners would lend it to our association for free use. The challenge would be to add value to the mentioned building, which requires repairs, weeding, cleaning and painting, where we would have enough space for ACER to develop weekly American Fairs, with volunteers already committed, hoping to became a source of sustainable financing (Phase I). We believe this income would make it possible for us to finance the incorporation of children and their families into our Programs (Phase II). In addition, the spacious and bright rooms of the new building would allow us to hold various training workshops for mothers and pregnant women, freeing up our own facilities for a better attention of the multidisciplinary team of professionals in both centers (Phase III).


Today, your contribution will help us grow with the Casita de al lado. and advance in our mission


We invite you now to be part of our dream!

Lear more about this project at: https://www.helpargentina.org/en/news/dt/id/96/a-little-side-to-grow

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