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Jesuitas Boquerón | Parish San José de las Petacas
Jesuitas Boquerón | Parish San José de las Petacas

Program Details

Dining room “Caritas Lindas”

Some towns in the department of Pellegrini (Santiago del Estero) have been seriously damaged, as some agribusiness companies have encroached on their territory. Among other harmful consequences is the lack of income. This has a particular impact on the children, who are already beginning to show serious nutritional problems. 

The picnic area that operates in the town's chapel offers a food service to the children who live there. They are offered a daily snack (Monday to Friday) and recreational activities. 

Santo Domingo Pellegrini is made up of 103 families. The children benefiting from the snack are 60, but there are about 50 more who, due to lack of resources, the chapel has had to tell them that they cannot attend

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