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Jesuitas Boquerón | Parish San José de las Petacas
Jesuitas Boquerón | Parish San José de las Petacas

Program Details

Water Suitable for Human Consumption in Santiago del Estero

We propose to build cement slab cisterns and rainwater collector roofs. The cisterns have the capacity to store 16,000 liters of drinking water, enough for a family's consumption in 9 months. 

For the construction of the cistern, we agreed with each family that they should be the ones to dig the well. For the assembly we will provide an expert and the beneficiaries must guarantee that 3 adults will participate in the work until everything is finished.

Our radius of influence covers some 12,000 people. During this time we have concentrated our response to solve the water problem in the town of Babilonia, which is made up of 52 families. 


San José del Boquerón is located in the department of Copo, province of Santiago del Estero. 

Our radius also includes part of the departments of Alberdi and Pellegrini.


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