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Obra del Padre Mario Pantaleo
Obra del Padre Mario Pantaleo

Program Details

150 active and autonomous seniors

We want that 150 elderly people remain in their family environment, promoting their care, independence, participation, self-realization and dignity. We develop health care prevention and promotion actions by stimulating physical and cognitive activity.

Each person over 60 years old receives a medical or psychological consultation. After a personalized interview with an elderly specialist and according to their needs, they are assigned to a physical activity group or a cognitive stimulation workshop.

Example of workshops: Physical Activity, Drawing, Cardiovascular Exercise, Cognitive Stimulation, Kinesiology, Music and Singing, Pilates, Recreation, Tai Chi Chuan, Weaving

The activities are carried out in recreational and educational spaces to promote healthy life habits. These spaces are face-to-face or online. Always live, synchronous and guided.

In the Obra del Padre Mario we consider aging as a stage of life in which we have  new opportunities to be, to live and to love. Older people must stay active, being participants in their own life.

Through our Day Center Care and preventive programs and training for care and social inclusion, we promote the care, independence, participation, self-fulfillment and dignity of the elderly.

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