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Fundación CONIN
Fundación CONIN

Program Details


Today more than ever, we must join forces and help the little ones to transform their reality. We can’t alone, we need your collaboration. 
A good start in life guarantees a future of equality and opportunity. 

Early means being able to act now, to give each child the right to a complete, varied, sufficient diet, together with a healthy and affectionate environment, which allows them to optimally develop their potential. 

Malnutrition is of multifactorial origin, the result of health, social, economic, environmental, political and / or cultural circumstances and determinants. Its consequences are reflected in the state of health, growth, intellectual, emotional and social development of each child, having a direct relationship with the incidence of non-communicable diseases in adults. 

Early childhood is a unique window of opportunity since the interventions carried out in this period have a high impact, reducing the incidence and decreasing the sequelae. 

CONIN have an innovative, interdisciplinary, transversal and simultaneous approach, which focuses its attention on the quality and efficiency of the services offered (pediatrics, nutrition, social work, early care, psychopedagogy, kinesiology, speech therapy, audiology, dentistry, nursery school, workshops education and trade, food assistance, family wardrobe, orchard), and encourages the articulated participation of the different actors in society.  

Considers essential the active role of the family in the recovery treatment of the child, providing empowering tools that enhance the well-being of household members. It proposes the development and use of technology with innovative tools for the registration, control and monitoring of the established activities, facilitating the analysis processes, and the safe and timely handling of the information. 

Your help will be essential to be able to care for more than 500 children diagnosed with malnutrition and to continue our work, which in recent years has become a real challenge. 

Together can we build a better world for the little ones. 

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