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Creciendo en la Cumbre
Creciendo en la Cumbre

Program Details

Art Workshop

Description: Continuing the Drawing and Painting and Handicrafts using recycled materials.
This workshop is aimed at stimulating and developing creative, expressive, artistic and physical abilities of the child. It is orientated to the recognition and development of the recreational aspect of each person, improving balance, coordination, free expression, discovery of new forms of communication with other children and adults, self-knowledge, and decreasing aggression and violence expressions, as well as reinforcing self-esteem. These activities are separated from the ordinary school tasks, allowing learning, with joy and playing, those matters that formal education usually presents in an unattractive way. This involves the organization of an Art Show in a local museum, with the exhibition and sale of the children's works.

Monthly fees for teacher, morning and afternoon shifts: $300 - US$ 100 
Materials (per month): $90 - US$ 30
TOTAL PER MONTH: $390 - US$ 130

Contact: Lic. Verónica Alejandra Valverde. TEL: 54-03548-452855 - 54-0351-155512817 - e-mail: licvvalverde@hotmail.com

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