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Creciendo en la Cumbre
Creciendo en la Cumbre

Program Details

Musical Therapy Workshop

Description: Implementing a Musical Therapy Workshop in the daily tasks of Creciendo en La Cumbre's children, to develop their musical sensitivity, optimizing hearing, improvisation, composing, relax and contact with oneself. Generation of working teams to manufacture and sell - as well as restoring- musical instruments. Promoting the use of resources found in our locality, recycling, revaluation of the original culture, and helping other disadvantaged groups with "murgas" and other popular shows, to diminish violence and aggression rates in the children of Creciendo en La Cumbre. 

Monthly fees for teachers, morning and afternoon shifts: AR$ 600 - US$ 200 
Materials (per year): AR$ 600 - US$ 200

Contact: Lic. Verónica Alejandra Valverde. TEL: 54-03548-452855 - 54-0351-155512817 - e-mail: licvvalverde@hotmail.com

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