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Creciendo en la Cumbre
Creciendo en la Cumbre

Program Details

Learning For Growth

Description: Continuing the School Support and Leveling Workshop, to improve the child's performance at school, reinforcing the lessons taught at school. Comprehension of the concepts learned at school according to each child's age, maturity and aptitudes. This will be based on stimulation and playing innovating strategies tending to create confidence and joy for the acquisition of knowledge. The children are separated according to their age and learning levels. Each teacher works with groups of no more than 8-10 children, controlling school tasks, performance and difficulties.

Fees for two teachers, morning and afternoon shifts: $1200 - US$ 400 
Materials (per month): $300 - US$ 100
TOTAL PER MONTH: $1500 - US$ 500

Contact: Lic. Verónica Alejandra Valverde. TEL: 54-03548-452855 - 54-0351-155512817 - e-mail: licvvalverde@hotmail.com

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