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Fundación Agenda Antártica
Fundación Agenda Antártica

Fundación Agenda Antártica

Agenda Antártica is a non-governmental organization that works for the environmental preservation of the Antarctic Continent and the Southern Ocean, research on polar issues and the cooperation of the peoples of the southern regions, for future generations.Founded in 2012 - Member of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) www.asoc.org - umbrella organization with observer status in the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) www.ats.aq - Editor of the Journal of Antarctic Affairs since 2014. www.antarcticaffairs.com - Only Latin American NGO dedicated exclusively to Antarctica. - Volunteer-based organization- Member of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition (ASOC) www.asoc.org - umbrella organization with observer status in the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) www.ats.aq– Publisher of the Journal of Antarctic Affairs since 2014 www.antarcticaffairs.comwww.antarcticaffairs.com– Only Latin American NGO fully dedicated to Antarctica– Volunteer-based Organization

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