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Structural poverty affects nearly six of every ten boys in the country

It's 7.6 million children and adolescents in the country

Invariably, structural poverty from 80, affects nearly six of every 10 boys in the Argentina. Without adequate food, housing, education or work social, among other rights, this measure of poverty, more extensive that it only takes the income of individuals or families, reached 58.7 per cent of children under the age of 17 by the end of 2016, according to data from the Argentina Catholic University (UCA). There are 7.6 million children.


The latest report of barometer of the debt Social child, which will be presented to society Wednesday, shows exactly the same indicator reflecting the same study the end of 2015. However, according to the UCA, this scourge is lower than in 2010 (63.7%), began to carry out the survey. Indec, meanwhile, said that by the end of 2016 poverty among children - as measured by income - was 45.8 percent.