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Cáritas San Isidro
Cáritas San Isidro

Cáritas San Isidro

Our Mission is to accompany and comprehensively care for all people by promoting, encouraging, coordinating and organizing charitable ministry.

Caritas San Isidro, is oriented to the integral attention of every person and of all people, preferably the most
marginalized, promoting, encouraging, coordinating and organizing the charitable pastoral.

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  • Educational Center San Ignacio de Loyola

    Educational Center San Ignacio de Loyola

    Provide comprehensive education, recreation, nutrition and family strengthening.

    How much would you like to donate in U$S?

  • Proyecto San Benito - Boulogne

    Proyecto San Benito - Boulogne

    Our Mission is to accompany and comprehensively serve all people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable communities, carrying out different educational projects and working with the San Benito Missionary Center.

    How much would you like to donate in U$S?

  • Proyecto Santa Clara - Talar de Pacheco / Tigre

    Proyecto Santa Clara - Talar de Pacheco / Tigre

    Our Mission is to accompany and comprehensively care for all people by promoting, encouraging, coordinating and organizing charitable ministry. We provide school support and recreational activities, job training and guarantee good nutrition.

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  • Proyecto Santa Teresa - Virreyes

    Proyecto Santa Teresa - Virreyes

    Our Mission is to accompany and comprehensively care for all people by promoting, encouraging, coordinating and organizing charitable ministry. We provide school support and recreational activities, job training and guarantee good nutrition.

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  • Proyecto Dragones - Santa María de la Lucila

    Proyecto Dragones - Santa María de la Lucila

    We collaborate with pastoral and social agents that work in the Chaco Salteño area in the province of Salta, to eradicate extreme poverty and its consequences.

    How much would you like to donate in U$S?